Monday, March 31, 2014

Thank You for Being A Hero

WOW!  Have you been to Isaac's facebook page and looked at us????  There are 144 people who have "Liked" Isaac's page in the past two weeks since I (with a good amount of help from Eva) put it up.


I browse down the list of folks who have liked my son's page and I am blown away.  Here is a list of people who see the inherit value of a child regardless of ability.  Here is a list of individuals who understand that worth is not tied to what we do or what we have.  Worth is about who we are.

I am proud to know you.  I am proud to be associated with a group of people who can see beyond the stereotypical norms of who a person is supposed to be and recognize the unique beauty of who they are right now.

Thank you for recognizing the beauty of my Happy Laughter.  Thank you for taking a moment out of your hectic lives and out of your schedule crammed days to look at Isaac's pictures, to read of his adventures and to rejoice over his achievements.   Thank you for surrounding our family in love and encouragement.  Thank you for buoying us with your hope and help.

I am grateful for each one of you.  I am grateful to know that the world is full of so many special, loving and insightful people.  I am grateful for the eyes with which you see my son and the heart with which you receive him.

Wishing you love and laughter as we enter April together....

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